What is Gambling?


Gambling is a type of game in which two or more people stake something of value on an event whose outcome is unknown. This can be a natural event, a contest such as a race or even a piece of equipment designed to produce an unpredictable outcome.

Often, people gamble for different reasons. They may want to relieve stress, take their mind off problems, or socialise with friends.

A lot of money can be lost when gambling, so it’s important to know what you can afford to lose. Also, be aware of how much time you’re spending on gambling. If you’re gambling too much, it can take over your life and cause other problems.

It’s also important to think about the harm that gambling can cause, both for you and for others. Talking to a specialist about your gambling and getting support from other people can help you stop.

What are the main types of harms caused by gambling?

The first level of harm was financial, which related to the loss of surplus, those things that are purchased beyond necessities with excess or unused discretionary income. These harms were particularly identified in instances where gambling products were bought as a way to compensate for an inability to buy other luxury items or spend on other non-essential activities.

Another level of harm was relationship-related, which included issues such as time and trust. These harms were especially prevalent in instances where a person who gambled was not present or engaged with their relationship.