The Impact of Gambling on Society

The negative impacts of gambling on a society have received little attention from studies, however. These studies have measured economic costs and benefits, but neglected to address the social costs of gambling. These costs are defined by Walker and Barnett as harms and losses that a gambling community causes and are social, rather than personal. They are often difficult to quantify, and the impact of gambling on the society is more complicated than one might think. Therefore, this area of research needs further development.

The impact of gambling on society varies greatly, depending on the type of gambling, the extent of availability and the effectiveness of government policy. There are several reasons for conducting gambling impact studies, including to compare and contrast gambling policies. A public health approach is more useful for assessing the negative effects of gambling, while allowing for positive benefits of gambling as well. In addition, impact studies can be helpful for governments, policymakers, and researchers in determining the best strategies to minimize the negative effects of gambling.

Despite the societal and social costs, gambling can be an occasional form of entertainment. In some cases, a person may engage in gambling to escape problems. But when gambling becomes a habit and becomes a way of life, it may become an addiction. Gambling can be a source of increased stress, and understanding this is essential for changing behaviour. A number of organisations are available for people who have developed gambling problems. Some provide counselling, while others offer support to affected family members.